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Crittenden County Property Valuation Administrator's Office


Ad Valorem Latin for "According to Value."

Ad Valorem Tax System The system of property taxation in which the tax liability is directly proportional to the Value of the property.

Address 911 address-physical location; mailing address-owners location

Air Rights Property interest in the space beginning a specified distance above the surface level of a parcel and extending for a specified distance

Appeal The informal or formal action by an owner of a parcel to seek a change in the assessed value of the parcel
Appeal Period The specific time period during which owners may file a formal appeal if they desire to contest the assessed value of a parcel.

Appraisal Date The date upon which an official value estimate was made for the parcel.

Appraisal Process See valuation process

Appraise The act of estimating the value of a parcel

Appraised Value The value resulting from the act of appraising

Assessed Value The value at which the parcel is placed on the tax roll. It may differ from the appraised value because of fractional assessment multipliers and other statutory or policy reasons.

Assessment See Assessed Value

Assessment Class The grouping of parcels according to use. That is R-Residential, C-Commercial, F-Farm.

Assessment Date January 1 for Real Estate

Assessment Level The Assessed values of sold parcels is compared to the selling price to gain an indication of the level of assessment.

Assessment Notice The official communication (legal notice) to the owner of a parcel stating the assessed value of his parcel.

Assessment Roll The official listing of Assessed Values as of the Tax Lien Date upon which tax bills will be calculated.

Assessment Sale Ratio Assessed Value divided by the Sale Price.

Assessment Year The 365 days beginning with the assessment date.

Block and Lot These are frequently components of a geographically organized Parcel Identification Number (PIN). Block usually refers to the individual map and lot refers to the individual parcel on the map.

Building Permit A document usual issued by a local code enforcement and inspection department allowing construction to begin. A copy should be forwarded to the Assessor.

Certification Date Date that the values of the tax roll are accepted by the Revenue Cabinet as being correct.

Condominium A special form of property ownership whereby the owner receives full property rights and interest in a specifically described part of the structure and an undivided interest in the common areas and land. This type of ownership requires a master deed conforming to local statutes.

Consideration The Sale Price officially recorded as the transaction price.

Deed The instrument normally used to convey rights in a parcel.

Deed Book and Page The location in the Clerks office where the recorded instruments can be found.

Deed-Quit Claim A form of conveyance by which any interest the Grantor may possess (which could be actually none) is transferred to the Grantee without warranty of title.

Deed Type Warranty, Quit Claim, Deed of Trust, Sheriff's Deed, Deed of Correction, Strawmans Deed, etc.

Easement The right held by one person to use the land of another for a specific purpose-sometimes ingress and egress or placing utility lines.

Effective Tax Rate Tax rate expressed as a percentage of Market Value, usually equal to the Nominal (actual) tax rate if the assessment ratio is near 1.00

Equalization The process by which an appropriate governmental body attempts to ensure that all property within its jurisdiction is assessed at the same assessment ratio.

Exemption-Homestead Freedom from taxation on all or part of the value of the property due to age of the owner

Exemption-Disability Freedom from taxation on all or part of the value of the property due to total disability of the owner.

Fee Simple Complete interest in the property subject only to the governmental powers such as eminent domain.

GIS Geographic Information System-a digital base map system containing everything on the surface and underneath the surface of the earth on different layers.

Functional Obsolescence Loss in value of a property resulting from changes in taste, preferences, technical innovations or market standards.

Grantee One who acquires property by voluntary conveyance.

Grantor One who voluntarily conveys property.

GRM Gross Rent Multiplier

IAAO International Association of Assessing Officers

Legal Description A descriptive account of a parcel of land which sufficiently locates a parcel of land.

Levy The amount of money that any taxing entity may collect in order to fund its budget.

Market Value The most probable price that a property will bring in American dollars on the open market given a willing buyer and a willing seller and a reasonable length of time to market it with no undue stress.

Neighborhood A group of parcels having similar characteristics and economic factors and are usually contiguous and homogeneous.

Owner One who has dominion over property under the rules of law.

PIN Property Identification Number (Map number)

Plat A map that depicts the division of land into parcels.

Recording Date The date that an instrument was officially recorded in the proper government office.

Sale Price The reported consideration for the transfer of a property.

Split The process of creating new parcels from existing parcels.

Subdivision A tract of land that has been divided into marketable building lots.

Tax District An identifier for a unique set of taxing authorities which collect taxes from a group of parcels.

Title The official legal document which is accepted as proof of ownership.

Transfer Official change of ownership.

Zoning The exercise of the police power to restrict land owners as to the use of their land.


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