WELCOME TO THE ABBEVILLE COUNTY ASSESSOR’S WEBSITEThe Abbeville County Assessor's Office has implemented a GIS system to better serve our county's citizens. It can be accessed by Clicking Here. Please read the notes, instructions and disclaimer carefully before you initially proceed. It is our hope that this effort will benefit our citizens and facilitate commerce and industry in Abbeville County.Please feel free to contact the Assessor's Office, at the number listed below, if you need assistance with the GIS website.
Abbeville County AssessorTeresa Brown903 W. Greenwood Street Suite 2200 Abbeville, SC 29620 Phone: 864-366-5312 ext. 51Fax: 864-366-6635Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30AM-5:00PM
“Heritage With A Future”
Job Openings for CR Appraiser & CG Appraiser Mail your resume to the Assessor or Click Here To Apply