Open Records Request

All Open Records Request should be submitted to:
Tracie Vickers, County Clerk and Records Officer for Coffee County Board of Commissioners.

Please complete the Open Records Form and mail to:

Tracie Vickers, County Clerk
101 South Peterson Ave.
Douglas, GA 31533

Or Email to:

Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 50-18-71, you may be charged administrative and copying fees for the cost to search, retrieve, copy
and supervise access to the requested documents. This fee represents the hourly rate if the lowest paid full-time employee
with the necessary skill and training to respond to my request, with no charge for the first fifteen minutes that it takes
to respond to the request. The charge for copies is generally $.10 per page unless otherwise provided by law. You must
agree to pay all copying and/or administrative costs incurred with fulfilling my open records request.