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Welcome to the Yuma County Assessor’s Office Website!
This website is designed to help the citizens and taxpayers of Yuma County, Colorado access property value information online. The Assessor's Office discovers, lists, classifies, and values all real and personal property in Yuma County. The Assessor's Office also is responsible for maintaining public records, including ownership and parcel maps. We also submit the Abstract of Assessment to the Colorado Division of Property Taxation, as well as certify values to taxing entities and produce the warrant and tax roll. Our primary goal is to establish fair and equitable values for all property, with the highest level of efficiency possible. County parcel maps are available in our office for reviewing. We strive to serve the people of Yuma County with outstanding customer service. The information contained herein will be regularly maintained for your benefit. Your comments and suggestions are encouraged as we will continue to enhance this website's features. Please feel free to come by or contact me if I can ever be of assistance. Office hours Monday thru Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The website is brought to you by the Yuma County Assessors office with the approval of the Yuma County Commissioners.           Sincerely,           Cindy Taylor           County Assessor
Contact Information Yuma County Assessor Cindy Taylor 310 Ash Street Suite D Wray, CO 80758 Phone: (970) 332-5032 Fax:(970) 332-3411 ctaylor@co.yuma.co.us
Yuma County Colorado Assessor
Cindy Taylor